Wednesday, February 22, 2017

A programmer writes her first blog about driving safely

Feb. 22, 2017


Julia learned a lesson a long time ago. First year she moved to Vancouver from south Florida in 2010, and then she made wrong U turns in the city of Vancouver. And then she learned her first lesson. And then, second year, she got a moving violation ticket. As a scholar, she knew that she has to study BC driver license book page by page, word by word. She spent one month to study the book, and she just loved to read the book again and again.

And after 6 years, Julia experienced her first car accident in Vancouver, she tried to yield a bus when driving to work, and then, she heard something in the back.

Long story short, it is time for her to find some material to study, and learn how to be a defensive driver, get some statistics update, acquire some new skills.

Remember a bible verse shared from FAU professor, a Chinese living water bible club in 2007, 10 years ago, Psalm 121: 6, the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night

Accident location: Rupert street near worthington drive, 9:20am, Feb. 22, 2017, city of Vancouver. 


Will continue later.
The idea is to read driver license book again, understand all rules, terminology, and situation analysis, reasoning. Write down some notes here.

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