Monday, March 13, 2017

Quick Search - Julia's first answer on code review

March 13, 2017

Julia got a big surprise today, her first day work on code review to answer a question on quick search was selected as the answer today, after more than 3 months, she noticed that she got 25 reputation.

The code review link is here. She has to celebrate a little bit, it was a long time she tried to find some activities to help others while she is struggling to invent herself, keep up with others in this computer science technology world.

Julia searched her blog using quicksort, and then she found somethings to review related to quicksort.

Make it more memorable, Julia uses an image and music to celebrate her good working spirit.

Jessica Simpson - Take my breath away

When  Julia read this news, she was so excited, take my breath away, a little exaggerated, reminded her a song - the old lovely song, feels good to help others and make her own mark. One step a time, ...

Actionable Items

1. Read all algorithms in the blog, the blogger got Google and Linkedin offer. The algorithms may be a good study material for Julia.

2. Review the C# implementation of quicksort, write a new one.

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