Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Disjoint Set Union (Union Find) on Hackerearth.com

January 9, 2018


Life is too busy and then I have spent over 10 times to practice one algorithm through mock interview platform called regular expression matching last 9 months. What I have learned through this hard level algorithm is to be super patient, love the algorithm called recursive solution, and then get to know more people through this algorithm. Every learning opportunity to work on the algorithm in mock interview has been documented and I just know that it is not easy at all to master one hard level algorithm. My peers of the algorithm are people with various background, different understanding of the algorithm, work on different programming language.

I like to apply the experience to a new algorithm called union find algorithm. After I blogged my mock interview of redundant connection algorithm on January 8, 2018, I choose to study more about the algorithm.

I like to ask basic questions about union find algorithm, what is union? why it is called union find? Why it is not called depth first search find? I like to learn the algorithm again, from basics first.


Here is the tutorial I like to study.

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