Monday, January 8, 2018

Leetcode 691 Stickers to Spell Word (hard level)

January 8, 2018


How to make the first month of the year 2018 more exciting? I thought about the ideas to make every day exciting and also a little tough. Any good idea? A hard level algorithm from Leetcode is a good start.

It is easy to plan to have mock interview and work on the algorithm with the peer. I am learning from every peer I meet and also learn how to work hard to help the peer learn something with me through mock interview.

In order to prepare for mock interview every week day 10:00 PM, I need to study some new algorithm as well.

Algorithm study

I understand that it takes months to learn a hard level algorithm very well on So I am planning to work on a new hard level algorithm, once I have chance, I can discuss with the peer after mock interview.

Here is the blog I plan to study starting from tonight.

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